Here are the comments from the second playtest:
- It's now easier to move around and more clear with new controls.
- The inclusion of sound in the game worked in making it less on the spot for the player to be making all the noise.
- The beat and bass worked well as background music, as it gave inspiration for notes to sing but wasn't too melodic to take away from the musician's choice.
- Always found themself singing the same note and needed a new incentive to change notes.
- They want more use of the jump mechanic - which makes sense because I only coded the mechanic, I didn't change the level from before the playtest.
- If there were more NPCs they would like to interact with them, maybe they could be milling about, but when the player sings something at them, they react, maybe singing the note back.
- Have both platforming (to use the movement controls more) and some kind of NPC minigame puzzle you travel to and interact with.
- Could have NPCs that sing together and make a big ensemble piece, my singing monsters or the Wii fit plus parade game vibe.
- It's missing the need to sing different notes. Could have a calibration at the start of the game to find the middle of your voice and use low and high notes to control something.
- The coins are good now as a base to learn the movement mechanic, but they can easily go and be replaced by something else.
- Volume wasn't very reactive, it felt random and didn't work well.
- Could have different combinations of melodies to use different powers, like in Zelda's Ocarina of Time, learning these new melodies could change what the short note does for example.
Main points I want to address in the next stage of development:
- Add a reason to change notes.
- Add NPCs with some kind of mini-game interaction, maybe including collecting them so they start to follow the NPC while singing.
- Add a platforming aspect to the game to give use to the jump mechanic.
- Either refine or remove the volume = speed mechanic.